Beaver Lake
There will be no school for students on Monday Jan 20th or Monday Jan 27th. Click 'read more' for details.
Students have begun their mid-year iReady assessment this week, during homeroom. While the iReady assessment is not something that can be specifically studied for, we encourage all our students to make their best effort; iReady scores are used to make decisions about individual student interventions in Trimester 3. In addition, the overall school data helps teachers and admin make decisions about important all-school programming.
Season 3 sports begin on January 28, with try-outs for the team. Girls soccer and Boys Basketball are being offered. All registrations MUST be completed in Final Forms by January 21 2025 to be on the initial lists for the try outs.
Can you help to coach our basketball teams in February & March. Click 'read more' to learn about open positions we are looking to fill in order to have full teams this year.
Gibson Ek, Issaquah School District’s choice high school open to all current 8th-grade students living in the district, is now accepting applications for the Class of 2029. Apply Jan. 13-March 14. Details enclosed.
Looking for ways to learn about the proposed February 11 bond measure? Today we're sharing about several events you're invited to attend, along with a fact sheet and details about how to get answers to any bond questions you may have.
Next month, our district will upgrade the student information system from Skyward 2.0 to Skyward “Qmlativ.” District staff have been working to prepare for this transition for more than a year. This upgrade will improve functionality across student information, payroll, finance and human resources.
Today we’re announcing a call for applicants for a new group of Issaquah School District students to participate in the “5,000 Days Project.” The project follows a group of ISD students as they progress toward graduation. The participating students are filmed each year to share their experiences in life and school, and a culminating video is published for the community. Application and details enclosed.
Families, staff and community members are invited to join Issaquah PTAs and PTSAs, along with Superintendent Tow-Yick and CFO Martin Turney for a Bond Information Session. Two times are available for these virtual sessions to be held on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Details enclosed.
The Issaquah School District invites the community to view our annual report online for the 2023-24 school year. The report contains information about student achievement, programs and services and revenues and expenditures, along with links to learn more for those who are interested.