Requesting middle school & high school courses for next year
It will soon be the exciting time when students are invited to request their courses for the 2025/26 school year; all requests are made online. We are releasing this information early so parents have chance to plan for meetings and support their students. Please read the specific information for your student’s grade level. It may be helpful to print or save this information for your reference. This article will remain in the announcements on our website, but further updates will be announced via the counseling website:
Next year’s 6th graders (Current 5th grade students)
We look forward to meeting our new students and families! On Monday, March 10th, Beaver Lake Middle School will host all fifth-grade students in the Beaver Lake Middle School attendance area for a school day visit from 9:30am to 11:00am. Elementary schools will coordinate this field trip for fifth graders and accompany students to and from school. Look out for more information from your student’s elementary school. If you are unsure what middle school your student will attend, please contact your student’s elementary school.
Students that will attend Beaver Lake MS next year, but are currently attending a special elementary program at a non-feeder school, are encouraged to attend on March 10th, but will require parent transportation.
During the fifth grade student visit, Beaver Lake MS administrators and students will welcome everyone to the home of the Bulldog! They will introduce the fundamentals of middle school and Counselors will review the course request process with students.
Fifth Grade Parent Night
Also on Monday, March 10, Beaver Lake Middle School will host 5th Grade Parent Night from 6:30pm to 8:00pm, at Beaver Lake Middle School.
This event is for parents/caregivers of current 5th grade students.
Between 6.30pm - 7.00pm, Beaver Lake MS administrative staff will present a review of the middle school course request process (shared with students earlier in the day), as well as talk about important middle school information and how we work with parents to encourage a successful transition from elementary school.
Between 7.00pm and 8.00pm, there will be three 20 minute optional breakout sessions to choose from. The focus for these sessions will be:
· understanding how to choose between grade level and advanced courses in ELA for best success, now or in later grades
· understanding how to choose between the sciences when entering 6th grade, and how that will impact HS class choices
· understand how to make an informed choice between the different math pathways,
· understand how our LRC1 program is used at middle school, to meet needs while still honoring student elective choices.
Course Request Process for current 5th graders
The Course Request Process will open on Monday March 10th. All incoming students will complete the online course request process. Instructions for accessing the Course Request Process will be sent to families directly. We are asking that all Course Requests are completed by Friday March 21st. If you need additional help meeting this timeline, please reach out to our Registrar, Dana Breeden, who can help with your questions.
Next year’s 7th and 8th graders (Current 6th and 7th grade students)
Current 6th and 7th grade students will begin the course request process for the 25-26 school year during BBT on March 5 2025. All current 6th and 7th grade students will complete the online course request process via Qmlativ/Student Access (formally Skyward). Directions and the link to the online request process, along with the course descriptions, will also be sent to families and students on the morning of March 5th.
For students to access the course request online, they MUST know their student access log in and password. If they have forgotten their login information, they should reset their password and enter their ISD Office 365 email. If they need additional help, please reach out to Dana Breeden, Registrar, in the counseling office.
The course request process must be complete by Friday, March 14th at 8 am. At that time Qmlativ will lock all students out, and the building will begin the task of scheduling staff into classes and students into their preferred choices, where possible.
Current 8th Graders (next year’s 9th graders)
Gibson Ek High School Information
Gibson Ek High School is now accepting applications from 8th graders in the Issaquah School District interested in an innovative project-based education model for their high school experience.
Applications are open through March 14 2025, and students are selected for admission by a lottery held on March 17th. Students are invited to join zoom information sessions via zoom ; the link can be found on the Gibson Ek website. Students and their families are also invited to attend our Gibson Ek Open House on Wed Feb 5th from 6-7.30p.m. where students can tour the school, meet students, and staff, and decide if they would like to apply to Gibson Ek and join the movement to reimagine education.
To learn more, please watch this informational video and you can access the application form, read more details about the school, and access the zoom links on the Gibson Ek website.
Skyline High School Course Request Information and Timeline
Skyline High School Counselors will review high school requirements and the district high school online request process with all our current 8th grade students on Wednesday, March 12th during BBT (in a pre-recorded video). This information is applicable to all students, even if they believe they will be attending a different high school in Washington.
For students to access the course request online, they MUST know their student access log in and password. If they have forgotten their login information, they should reset their password and enter their ISD Office 365 email address. If they need additional help, please reach out to Dana Breeden, Registrar, in the counseling office.
Wednesday, March 5
Skyward will open for the HS Course Request Process (typically by 4pm)
6:00- 8:15pm: Incoming 9th Grade Student & Parent Welcome Night at Skyline HS
Thursday, March 6
6:00 - 7:00pm: Incoming 9th grade Parent Course Request Process and Questions and Answer via Zoom
Wednesday, March 12
Pre-recorded video from the Skyline High School counselors, shown to all 8th grade students at BLMS during BBT.
Thursday March 13
Lunchtime Student Question and Answer session with SHS Counselors in the BLMS Commons
Friday, March 21
8:00 am: SHS Course Request Process closes. At that time Qmlativ will lock all students out, and the building will begin the task of scheduling staff into classes and students into their preferred choices, where possible.